Tag: manifestation

Daily Affirmation for Fearlessness / Confidence / Power: Claim Your Greatness

Daily Affirmation for Fearlessness / Confidence / Power: Claim Your Greatness

Us this affirmation daily to enter into your day with intention. Speak words of power over yourself and into universe to open yourself up for powerful experiences that lead to you being your best possible self.

Discover God, Self and Enlightenment Outside Religion

Discover God, Self and Enlightenment Outside Religion

Discover the divine outside the church and within self. Khaaliq Thomas guides you on a journey of spiritual exploration, personal empowerment, and finding God in the beauty of daily life.

How To Manifest | Exposing The Myth of The Law of Attraction

How To Manifest | Exposing The Myth of The Law of Attraction

The mainstream philosophy of manifestation says that we can create the life of our dreams and have whatever we want. Is this plausible? What happens when we do believe and do the visualization and have the emotion and energy wrapped around the life we want to manifest but it doesn’t happen? Let’s explore another philosophy of what manifestation is and how to obtain those experiences that lead to helping us reach our full potential.

25 What Manifestation is not

25 What Manifestation is not

Manifestation teachers tells us we can have the life of our dreams when focusing on positive thought energy, but this is not entirely truthful. There are a multitude of factors that result in a manifestion being realized and positive thought energy is not the greatest. Discovering what manifestation is, and is not, will help you understand how to tap into the flow of universal energy to experience an abundance of manifestations.