Tag: self improvement

The Idea of God III: What Does God Want From you?

The Idea of God III: What Does God Want From you?

Asking yourself this question, you’ve come up with answers that originate from religion or that are religious in nature. Things come to mind like, God wants you to go to church, to pray more, or to forgive and forget and be nice to those people that are cruel, hateful, and intolerable. You have been told that what God wants is for you to live the life of a good Christian. To be a woman or man of God. To read the Bible and model your life after it. To be more like Jesus, or King David, Elijah, Moses, etc. I believe what your religion is telling you God wants from you is incorrect.

The Idea of God II: What Does God Actually Do?

The Idea of God II: What Does God Actually Do?

Taking God outside religion is the only way too make God relevant and useful on a universal level. In this episode we discuss knowing God according to what God does in a religious capacity handicaps God.

Is God Asking You to Change?

Is God Asking You to Change?

2024 is coming and change is on our minds.Where is the inspiration for change coming from? Is God wanting you to change? Who benefits from this change; you or God? Understanding change from a perspective that is self empowering is essential to your becoming.

Platos Allegory of the Cave and Discovering Your Truth

Platos Allegory of the Cave and Discovering Your Truth

We tend to understand truth as a constant, unchanging, unbreakable guide we must adhere to but what if that is wrong. What if truth has free forming characteristics? Can we accept truth as more than the forms on the wall society gives us? Do you have enough courage to climb out of your cave into the mysterious realms of discovery and enlightenment?

Guided Meditative Affirmation: Transform the Way You See Yourself

Guided Meditative Affirmation: Transform the Way You See Yourself

We produce the personal worlds we live in according to our beliefs and perceptions. It is true that in order to change what we see we must change the way we think. But the way we think is directly connected to how we see ourselves, the power we believe in have. Therefore changing the way we think of ourselves give the ability to change the way we think resulting in a transformation in what we see in out personal world. Use this affirmation to develop a deeper sense of awareness of the powerful being you are and what you are capable of.

Understanding Yourself To Be The Way, The Truth, and The Life

Understanding Yourself To Be The Way, The Truth, and The Life

Jesus is not the only way to God and religion is not the only language, method, and passage to connect to the ultimate power that governs all life. You as an individualized aspect of the Absolute have the ability to connect to the Absolute. Consciously connecting to God doesn’t demand accepting a savior it requires you to be aware of the power to save yourself.

Losing Religion Finding Yourself

Losing Religion Finding Yourself

When we consider the objective of religion is to transform the individual into the ideal person we realize that in the process of that transformation the individual losses their uniqueness in order to belong to the community of believers and being accepted into a deep and meaningful relationship with God. One believer must become like the community in order to truly belong to those that are accepted by God, therefore all believers of a religious community exhibit a common method of showing up in the world. They all share the same method of thinking, acting, dressing, perception, hearing, feeling and believing as they have been told this is what God desires. The individual must lose the religious idea of the God approved human and take up the task of finding ones self according to ones own standards and discover God , Self, and Enlightenment outside religion.

Taking Advantage of Opportunities For Personal Transformation

Taking Advantage of Opportunities For Personal Transformation

It’s a new year and people are inspired to better themselves. Many times taking on this challenge leads to change but no real transformation. In this episode we discuss personal transformation, how do we recognize when opportunities for it are in front of us.

Are You God’s Kind of Person?

Are You God’s Kind of Person?

Religion is wrong when it suggests a meaningful relationship with God requires us to become God’s kind of person. Religion says we must change, be born again, be renewed, become something other than what we are now. The most meaningful connection with God is made when who and what you are is embraced.

33. Forgive and Forget Why it Harms More Than it Helps

33. Forgive and Forget Why it Harms More Than it Helps

Religion tells us to forgive and forget, to turn the other cheek and to let go and move on. But forgive and forget lacks the attention to love, compassion, and healing that the victim of hurtful experiences and damaging relationships need. A more loving forgiveness tactic is needed for the healing of the victim, disconnection from the hurt and reconnection to their spiritual center.

27 Are We Made In The Image Of God?

27 Are We Made In The Image Of God?

Why do we believe we are made in the image of God? What does it actually mean physically and spiritually to be made in the image of God? Since God has infinite power, unlimited attributes, and is unable to be fully conceived, is it even possible for there to be a physical likeness of what is beyond all understanding?

17 God Given Vision

17 God Given Vision

Vision is necessary, it’s the only way amazing things are accomplished. We all have a God Given Vision – it’s the future self you see in that place of great success. It’s spiritual insight that allows us to see and feel what’s to come. Discover how to live a fulfilled life by living according to your God Given Vision.

15 Chasing $$$

15 Chasing $$$

Chasing money may seem like a positive and necessary activity but it’s actually a distraction. Money can make some things happen, but it can’t make all things possible. It will give you access to possessions, but it has nothing on the keys to the door of opportunity. Success is not contingent on money; success is a result of you taking advantage of the right opportunities.

07 The God Of All Your Needs

07 The God Of All Your Needs

We know how to come to God when we’re in need. We know Him as a need fulfiller, a sustainer of life, good health and a source of provisions. Yet that is as far as the recognition goes for some of us. We stop there and never go deeper to know God as a truly omnipotent God that sustains supernatural life and health, provisions and blessings.

05 Toxic People Part I

05 Toxic People Part I

Toxic relationships are the reason many of us have experienced setbacks in life both small and major. Many unproductive relationships can be attributed to the fact that they are toxic. But what makes them toxic? What defines a toxic person? How do we get involved with them anyway?