Tag: spiritual path

Daily Affirmation for Fearlessness / Confidence / Power: Claim Your Greatness

Daily Affirmation for Fearlessness / Confidence / Power: Claim Your Greatness

Us this affirmation daily to enter into your day with intention. Speak words of power over yourself and into universe to open yourself up for powerful experiences that lead to you being your best possible self.

Understanding Yourself To Be The Way, The Truth, and The Life

Understanding Yourself To Be The Way, The Truth, and The Life

Jesus is not the only way to God and religion is not the only language, method, and passage to connect to the ultimate power that governs all life. You as an individualized aspect of the Absolute have the ability to connect to the Absolute. Consciously connecting to God doesn’t demand accepting a savior it requires you to be aware of the power to save yourself.

Losing Religion in Order to Discover God, Yourself, and Enlightenment

Losing Religion in Order to Discover God, Yourself, and Enlightenment

We look at religion as a source of informing throughout the lifespan of the believer. Religion is a device that assigns identity to both God and humanity according to its own criteria but is religion a reliable source?

Are You God’s Kind of Person?

Are You God’s Kind of Person?

Religion is wrong when it suggests a meaningful relationship with God requires us to become God’s kind of person. Religion says we must change, be born again, be renewed, become something other than what we are now. The most meaningful connection with God is made when who and what you are is embraced.

The Limitations of Salvation

The Limitations of Salvation

Is one salvation experience enough? If salvation is a solution to the human problem reconnecting us to our spiritual identity there seems to be a need for additional liberations from future problems awaiting us as we experience life as spiritual beings throughout eternity. If we as spiritual beings retain the freedom to decide, interpret knowledge, and understand experiences we will always be subject to misinterpretation, therefore needing direction, guidance, counsel, and liberation.

19 When is Your Season For Blessings?

19 When is Your Season For Blessings?

It is said that God operates in seasons. We are told that we are blessed in seasons and receive our healing, financial, and spiritual provisions during these seasons of blessings. I would like to challenge that philosophy and consider seasons of blessings in a much broader way.

18 Big Ideas

18 Big Ideas

We have all has big ideas. They inspire us to be greater. They motivate us to take on the impossible. We explore them with our imagination and marvel at the possibilities of what could be if they are put to use. Yet they exist to do more than entertain our imagination, and grant us wealth and notoriety.

05 Toxic People Part I

05 Toxic People Part I

Toxic relationships are the reason many of us have experienced setbacks in life both small and major. Many unproductive relationships can be attributed to the fact that they are toxic. But what makes them toxic? What defines a toxic person? How do we get involved with them anyway?

04 The Good Life?

04 The Good Life?

We all have a desire to live the good life; being our best and living the best life that we possibly can. We sacrifice so much of ourselves, our time and our energy to living the good life; but what are the things we’re chasing giving back to us once they are acquired?